I've been documenting my new build in video, and posted them on YouTube. Here are the links to the build progression movies so you can check them out if interested. I'll add more links as the build progresses.
I'm on a pretty tight budget when it comes to my hobbies. So I've done a lot of DIY in this build.
Things I've DIY'd are:
* Tank Stand (TY Lastlight for the tile look idea, it's beautiful)
* DIY Rock (Oyster Shell and Cement)
* DIY Coast to Coast overflow with Bean Animal Drains
* DIY Sump
* DIY Light Fixture
* DIY Return Surge/Wave System
* DIY Auto Top Off
* DIY Power/Plug Station with Switches
* more to come.
For the actual setup, without live stock, and without suppliments/test kits it has cost roughly $1300. The bulk of that cost is the light fixture/bulbs ($420) and the skimmer ($450).
Anyway I hope you enjoy the movies...any suggestions, comments, help, or feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
Build #1: Tanks, Rocks, Fish Room, & Idea's
Build #2: Aquarium Stand
Build #3: The Overflow
Build #4: The Skimmer
Build #5: The Sump and Stuff
Build #6: In House Water Test
Build #7: Octopus XP-2000 Skimmer Working
Build #8: The Sump Update
Build #8: The Display Update
Build #8: The Lights Part 1
Rickets Reef: 90 Gal Day 21
There's also a 10 gal nano build movie set on my YouTube profile.....it was my first SW tank so you can see all my silly mistakes