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Old 11-27-2009, 03:13 AM
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staceyd72 staceyd72 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 114
staceyd72 is on a distinguished road

Hi Myka,

There are some very interesting comments on here, and I agree with most. Personally, I think you should do something that you enjoy doing, but that is easier said than done.
Why not try taking some courses at a local college to get a feel for learning new material as a mature student, and then go from there? I have some friends who have taken this path later in life and found it was too difficult, while others I know enjoyed it and went on to further learning and now have very rewarding careers.

As others have noted, a BA will not necessarily get you that dream job, it’s just a stepping stone to further your career. I felt that mine was just proof that I was able to make a commitment to learning, and then the hard part started.

I was fortunate enough to go to university after high school and earn a BA in economics, but it was not my calling. I enjoyed finance and even went on to complete my MBA and finally received my CFA. But I was always fascinated with personal finance, and five years ago I received my CFP designation. I truly love helping my clients plan for their retirement, for their child's education, or for the purchase of a new home.

My education has never stopped, I’ve been attending post secondary institutions since leaving high school in 1989 and love every minute of it(the tax benefits are great also).

Just my $0.02.
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