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Old 11-25-2009, 07:48 AM
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Mr.nintendo Mr.nintendo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 116
Mr.nintendo is on a distinguished road

- how perishable the item is (fish/coral/frozen food)
- fragility (how easily something is broken during shipment, regardless of whether or not the vendor replaces the item)
- technical aspect of the item (how beneficial would it be to buy local so that you can get some local technical help, the Neptune controller comes to mind)
- ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)
- availability (obviously, if the product is only available at a local shop, or only online, you'd only buy from there)

Perishability is number one for sure, I would never spend a crapload of money for something from an online vendor if it's arrival is questionable.
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