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Old 11-25-2009, 04:53 AM
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lastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura about

Originally Posted by BlueAbyss View Post
1. Perishibility (will it be alive when it gets here?)
2. Fragility (will my Solana be broken by the time it gets here?)
3. Shipment (will my Solana cost me my left kidney to ship to a remote area?)
4. Availability (where can I get cool expensive stuff to put in my new $1K Solana?)
5. Technical (who can tell me how to add a sump to my Solana?)

What type of tank are you running btw?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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