Well, it all started in 2002 when my wife suggested getting a "little" aquarium. Well we jumped right in with a 90 gallon with trickle filter from the bargain finder. It sat on cinder blocks. No picture of this tank.
Then we soon upgraded in a few months with this tank (it's the only picture that I have of this tank) 150 gallon 48 x 24 x 30 tall. I built the canopy out of a sunshine ceiling thingee and outfitted it with 2 x 400watt radiums. Visible fuge. It was a great set up.
Soon after running this tank we sold our piano and put a 180 gallon in place of the piano. I have no picture of this tank. It had a moving 150 watt halide across the 6 feet of the tank and vho's. It was mainly a predator/softie tank. One of our favourite tanks.
Then later that year we bought a 7 gallon nano (no pictures). It had a mantis shrimp in which we found in our 150 gallon tank.
After that we bought a 46 gallon bowfront. I put a 400 watt halide over that sucker and plumbed it to the basement.
This is what it was hooked up to in the basement:
And some of the inhabitants:
Then we sold everything cause we moved and planned to set up again right away, but kids happened. Was out of the hobby for about 4 1/2 years and now am back into it with this:
There will be no upgrading for me now. I am quite happy with my 5 x 2 x 2 tank and just excited to see it grow daily.
So....... it is the truth - MY WIFE GOT ME INTO THE HOBBY. (I don't know if she regrets it yet)