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Old 11-22-2009, 02:28 AM
BlueAbyss's Avatar
BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
Posts: 952
BlueAbyss is on a distinguished road

-Observe heavily, noting changes in coral and macroalgae growth, anything up with the fishes, all livestock still accounted for, etc.
-Top off with distilled water
-Dose according to schedule
-Clean off rocks with turkey baster
-Check temperature throughout the day

Every 2-3 days:
-Feed Trachyphyllia and Purple Firefish
-Clean glass
-'Prune' macroalgaes if needed

-Stir the top layer of sand a bit if it's not getting turned over enough
-Attempt to ID all the wierd things I've been seeing around my tank (Hmm, sundial or collonista snails? And what is this red macro?)
-Test all parameters, I really need to start doing this again

-25% water change
-Change polyester filter floss
-Suck air out of the non-breaking siphon

There are a few changes that I will be making to this schedule soon, now that I can see a few problems with my husbandry
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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