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Old 11-21-2009, 12:10 AM
JPotter JPotter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 121
JPotter is on a distinguished road

Peristaltic i/v pumps are nice to have...I don't know the cost of the aquarium ones .. but I think one could achieve the same very inexpensively by using a bag such as i/v fluids are packaged in to hold whatever it is you want above the height of drip entry and adjusting the rate by the drip set..most are either 10 or 60 drops/ml. Easy and very inexpensive.I/v fluid bags (you may still be able to get bottles somewhere) come in many sizes..500ml to 20 liters or more. I have used the manual i/v flow controllers to adjust air line flow and it worked well.
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