Originally Posted by Myka
I'm 27, but those who have met me probably think I'm in my early 20's.  I started my first reef in 1993 it also had an UGF (under-gravel filter), a Skilter 250 "protein skimmer", 18w of T8 lighting, and a Condy anemone that didn't appreciate any of that. 
Sounds just like me! Im 26, and got my first SW in 1990! 75Gal undergravel filter, skilter, a couple t8's sebae nem, and some dead coral! I still have the journal i wrote in french (i went to french school) about how excited i was to set it up and get clown fish!)

"120 Gallon - Fastest Build in the West"
20Gal Sump, 2x 250 PFO Metal Hallides running 2 20k XM Bulbs, 2X54 HOT5 1 KZ Coral Light 1 Fiji Purple, Euroreef RS 100 Skimmer, Quiet One 6000 Return Pump, 2X Tunze 6025, Nano Wavebox
~To Live Is To Reef~