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Old 11-20-2009, 08:44 PM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
That's great then. Makes everything even easier and less chance for things to clog or go wrong.

Can I ask where you got them?
Siemens LOGO's bacically, a little PLC. Has inputs, controllable output relays, and a host of functions, timers, counters, even analog possibilities for temp controll too. I get them off Ebay. If your looking, look at the last 4 numbers of the model eg OBA0-OBA6 OBA6 is most current, and OBA0 is the originals. the amount of functions and possibilities increase with each model. Like the OBA0 cant have any Analog, I dont think that came into effect untill the 4 series. Have to watch the letters after too, some dont have internal clocks in them. You want a RC in the name, like Logo 230 RC along with the model number

search ebay, some can be found cheap. They even have a little LCD display that works with the OBA6. called the Logo! TD

All part of my master controller plan. presently I have a few OBA0's one doing lights on the 150g, another handeling ATO duties fro both tanks and the 3rd as spare. Programing is easy too, all Block Function logic. mostly Boolean with some premade functions. The PC programming software, LogoSoftComfort is real easy to use, even has a simulate function so you can test without plugging into the unit itself.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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