Originally Posted by lastlight
The flip side:
Sure there are more 20 - 29s in here than anything else but there are FAR more ppl over 30 than under it =)
I'm riding the razor's edge. A cross-section of my wood reveals 30 rings though perhaps the tree anology is not the best. I realize there are some perverts roaming these parts.
I would have never thought anything "weird" about the tree analogy until you insinuated people may turn the tree wood into...well you know what Im getting at.
I too should be working. My deadline for some work is Monday yet I still am not very motivated and terribly behind. I will just tell the client I got a new skimmer, I'm sure they will understand. I think I have used the "oh my internet was down yesterday, sorry I couldn't contact you......oh my phone went through the washing machine so I couldn't call...I didn't have a quarter for a payphone cause I only use debit..." excuse too many times now