I thought you'd probably want a couple pump strokes per addition? In which case it's more just counting the times rather than stopping it from full stroke?
With the Aqualifters for me about 6 months in, I find I haven't had any issues with the pump clogging, but my alk drippers in particular are gummed up. So the pump itself seems fine but I need to clean the valves up. The calcium ones seem totally fine.
I imagine that over time though that the pump would lose its ... um .. I don't know what word I'm looking for here. Vitality? They look just like air pumps to me. And air pumps just seem to weaken over time so I'm thinking the same thing will happen sooner or later.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!