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Old 11-20-2009, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
So, If I were to get a couple Aqualifters, what do I do with them?? LOL Kalc? or? So far Ive just used ChemMaster's crystals for my CA/Mg
You can use them to dose 2 part. Use 1/4" tubing and a 1/4" valve to control the drip rate. Then figure out how much you want to have dosed in a minute (unless you can find a timer that will do seconds). If you find one that does seconds, you probably don't need the valve. Once your dosing enough two part, you wouldn't need the valve anymore either.

Basically what I did today was run it with just water for 1 minute into a small measuring container, adjusting the valve until it puts out the amount I want in that minute. Got it to xx ml per minute and will have it turn on every 2 hours to dose this small amount throughout the day. Alternating alk and ca. So one hour is alk and then the next is ca.

I would be really careful with these pumps though and check them every once in a while. I use one for my ATO and it sometimes doesn't turn on when its suppose to.

They are not designed to do this really but we'll see how it goes.

They are great for a cheap ATO. Just need to get a float, splice the wires into one side of the aqualifter power cord. When the float drops to the bottom, it restores the circuit and turns the pump on, once the float rises, the pump shuts off. Im sure most people here know this but for those who don't (I heard ATO being mentioned before). It cost about $25 to do.

I wouldn't use the aqualifter for Kalk...I think it would clog up pretty fast. Even with two part, I would imagine the pump needs to be cleaned out with vinegar a few times a year to keep it running properly.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 11-20-2009 at 07:21 PM.
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