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Old 11-20-2009, 03:42 AM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Nanaimo
Posts: 9,175
christyf5 is on a distinguished road

Look at tanks, count fish (glad to hear I'm not the only one), look to see if any of my SPS have turned into the "rare and elusive white solomon island acropora" overnight
Feed nori
Feed mysis or whatever other frozen "flavor of the month" food I've bought
Inspect rock/corals/fish for various cooties.
Look at controller to see that temperature is in range.
Right any turned over or fallen frags.
Watch fish to make sure they're all behaving relatively "normal"
If tank is doing well and decent looking, spend more time looking at tank and admiring progress. If tank is sucking hard, walk away and check internet for possible solutions/look at pictures of better tanks/corals.
Look at coral websites and lament not having won the lottery.

Fill up top-off tote
Clean skimmer cup, spend 30 mins trying to get skimmer restarted (impeller is old and crusty)
Waterchange (volume varies with enthusiasm/state of tank levels 10-40%)
Change carbon
Clean glass

Make up new Mg, Ca, Alk solutions for dosing pump
Check Mg, Ca, Alk to make sure its in line
Check various other parameters just because I bought the tests and I should be using them
Clean Tunze powerheads

Every couple months:
Change phosban and wonder why I still have algae growth
Take skimmer completely out and clean with vinegar

Change out bulbs (Yeah boxing day sales!)
Christy's Reef Blog

My 180 Build

Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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