test CA followed by dose of CA
dose zeostart
top up water manually
dose zeostart
test KH followed by dose of KH
dose zeo supplements
prime zeo reactor 12 times
clean glass every 3 days
same time clean skimmer cup
same time clean arcylic cover on light and well, give a dusting, all around the tank, vaccum up rouge snails, alot of small snails make that leap of faith outta the tank.
every two weeks:
10% water change, mixed 15min before water change
replace carbon
30min after water change, check salinity, test CA and test KH
replace filter sock
monthly: test MG, K+, P04
replace zeolites
replace blubs, every 3months
Last edited by lobsterboy; 11-20-2009 at 03:37 AM.
Reason: typo