Today I added 4 blue moonlight to my fixture.
It was actually pretty simple to do.
Here are what is needed to do the job:
4x 5mm blue LED, These are 3V, 20mA each
4x LED holder
1x 12V DC power adapter.
Soldering gun
some heat shrink.
a power drill to drill the holes in my fixture.
The LED are connected in a series. Since the 4 LED add up to 12V, with the 12V power supply, I didn't use any resistor.
I solder the LEDs in a series with the power adapter.
Used the heat shrink on the joining parts.
Drill the fixture to mount the LED holder and here is the finished product:
Here is the moonlight in action:

The 2nd picture is very pixelated because it's taken under high ISO.
It is a little dim, but I am quite happy with the result.