It's the fish!
When I first started keeping marines (way back in 1989 I think), there was no such thing live rock or skimmers avilable to the public.
I had an undergravel filter and bleached coral skeleton. One Powder blue Surgeon, one Yellow Tang and 3 Blue Damsels.
When I was cleaning the coral (bleaching it ..... yes I know everyone is cringing now, but back then it was Fish only and mechanical filtration, no corals). Anyway I lifted the coral and out fell these little "half moon" shaped shrimps. (Isopods I think)
I immediately called the LFS and asked what to do.
He replied that if I gave him a big bag of my sand, he's give me ANY fish in the shop.
Apparently the eggs came in in one of the fish (I reckon PBS) and bred like wildfire! He was the first to set up live sand and actually sell these Iso's in Scotland apparently!
Just a little anecdote ......