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Old 11-17-2009, 07:37 PM
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Actually there are (at least) two people in PG that currently have red bugs in their private tanks and they are unwilling to treat their systems because they dont want to kill their shrimp. Lucky for me because of my snowflake eel I dont have any shrimp or crabs. I originally got them two years ago from a third person in town who is no longer in the hobby. I have no idea where I got them this time because I've been very careful to QT and treat each new SPS addition. They must have hitched a ride with a soft coral, LPS or fish I guess...

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
I really wouldn't worry about the expiry date on them in the least
Didn't read that you had bug's till after I had posted that really is kinda funny as I was thinking that I would be safe getting stuff from a private tank
Maybe I jinxed you I am sure it will be fine by then.
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