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Old 11-16-2009, 05:00 AM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Slick Fork is on a distinguished road

Don't be afraid to get into something new. I'm 33 and one year into my university degree course. I'm taking it through Athabasca University part time and am very happy with their courses.

I hummed and hawed for four or five years, always too worried about the loss of income etc. until I realised that if I had just gotten off my butt in the first place, I'd be done by now. The other big point deciding point... at my age I still have at least 30 years left to work so going back to school for 4 isn't really that big a time commitment in the grand scheme of things.

Doing what you love is important, however I think the better advice would be to figure out what kind of lifestyle do you want and find a career that you will enjoy AND provide that lifestyle. I spent most of my younger years cowboying on big ranches and guiding outfits. Absolutely loved the work but it paid less than minimum wage. I couldn't afford new boots half the time let alone take my wife on a vacation. Found a job in-town that I hated but paid me enough, now I'm working towards something that I'll enjoy and pay me lots!

I think the pick what you love over money example is great if your trying to decide between enough or more than enough... but if poverty or stinking rich is one of the options.... the moneys gotta win!!
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