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Old 11-16-2009, 01:10 AM
Ian Ian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: rimbey
Posts: 324
Ian is on a distinguished road

If you know what area you want to move to and it will require added education see if you can do some night school and or distance Ed. type classes. Even if you can only cut down the amount of time you have to be a full time student by doing this it may make it possible for you to make the change.
If you stili like to work on vehicles and like kids give education a thought. Money is decent and with a journeymens and an ed degree you would be a hot commodity .
Biocube 29 est 05/05/08, Koralia 1, 30lbs live rock, ,yellow tail blue damsel, pair cinnamon clowns, baby snowflake eel,Toadstool , metallic green mushroom, assorted zoos , kenya treen
180gall display, 190 pds live rock, virgate rabbitfish,bluejaw trigger, bubblletip anemone,yellow tang, sailfin tang,melanarus wrasse, cloud wrasse,

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