new 55g
Well I have not been in here and updated for a while. Since last time I have been layed off slowdown at work. So as a couple of you know I lost the Flame Angle It would eat ok but that was slowly subsiding and it would have some white on it in the morrning and after the lights were on for a while the white would be gone. If you looked close you could see ridges under the scales. Resurch I figure it to be one of two things Flukes or ancker worms. Other fish started showing signs also cought (1-1.5 hrs off and on) the Flame angle and QTed her treeted for Ick as that is how it looked. Bad idear Flame Angle was dead in the morrning I think that catching her was to much. So with this knowledge in hand I decided after a ton of resurch and reading forums to dose my tank with PraziPro. I hated doing it but if you have egg laying flukes that are non speices specific then you either have to dose the tank or empty the hole tank and get rid of your sand and put rock in anouther container and cook it. cooking may kill the domit eggs and may not I have not found evidence that would say that 100% that it will kill dormit eggs.
Here is a example of eggs that can be reisilent to temperitures. Painted turtles eggs get burried in sand right so they heatup and stay worm durring the night. well if they don't get worm enough they will not hatch and can go dorment and hatch the following year. I found this out when I lived in Manitoba We took in some wild life talk at Grand Marie Beach one summer while visiting relitives. Now I know fist hand that Manitoba winters can be very cold. Winter 2003 when I moved back there it went down to -54 degrees celcus without the wind chill. I heard it in the radio when driving home one early morrning in December I believe it was about 3:00am.
So I dosed the entire tank I did however dose 4ml/20g insted of 5ml/20g and added 1ml ever other day for the entire 7day treatment, they recomend 5-7 days. I watched very carfully and went down and checked the tank right before bed time at 12am - 1am. I have not lost any fish, corals or snails and I have seen copods running around on the rocks large and small ones so they are still reproducing. I may have lost a couple blue leged hermit shrimps. But I am not sure, as I have one that was going around and killing its rivels; that would climb on it's rock. So the fish have all cleared up I can conclude from the end result that the infestation was a parisite. I figured it came in on either the Flame Angle or sea hare it never ate that much. it would eat for 5-20 mins and then go and sleep for 2-3 hrs. The flap on its back never completely opened and it never finished the job that I borowed it for. Water cemitry has stayed very good the whole time I treated the tank. So now I don't need the lecture about QTing when you get a new fish because I do. I figure I just didn't wate long enough I should have thrown anouther rock with green hair algea on in the QT tank instead of cutting it short. Well I have added anouther true percula clown and a week latter went back and purchesed the carpet nem the percula was hosting. Almost as soon as I put the carpet nem in the tank The new percula was over there giving it a nuge with it nose. I am hoping this will spur the other two perculas into hosting the nem I moved the seabe in to my 20g kids tank and I will move 1 of the perculas which ever is the odd one out. It seems that the original pair may split and the new percula will ba mated up. This was not my goal but nature will do what nature does. The other to perculas have shown interest in the carpet nem after watching the new percula for acouple hrs.
Well got to go,