hey there BOB I'm hoping that I can answer your questions so here I go. you are getting readings from the Ozone mniter you ar emaking the water very clean as you can tell from the 400 ORP. there is nothing wrong with 400 i have had mine at 480 before with no effects. However all tanks are different.
Ozone is something that you done want to have to much of. I had it running on my tank 150 gal 30 gal sump. 200mg ozone unit running about 50mg/per hr so 1/4 % on the red sea one i didnt use a controller just had it on at 50mg every 12 hours to polish and clean the water. and had no problems. Running a 50MG unit on a smaller tank shouldnt be to bad if you are running about 10-15 mg Remember that it will break down all the stuff in your tank like ammonia to Nitrites and covert it to NO2 so having said that hoping that you have something to take away the Nitrates
The only problems that i had was when the water is dirty and your MH are on you can clean the wter so much that the MH can penatrate the wter more and cause your tips to burn.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.