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Old 09-08-2003, 06:07 PM
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Justin Justin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Port Moody BC
Posts: 90
Justin is on a distinguished road

Wow am I suprised at the lack of intellegence and mental capacity some of you are showing.

Not a mention of how nice the clams are. Not one is unhealthy. There is a brand new display built just to keep clams healthy so customers like us can have a good selection of healthy clams. And this is bad? I think 2 I saw had aptasia on them. Yes there is aptasia in the system, but if that is the worst thing you can find, I think that is pretty good. Some local stores have such a putrid odor I can't even stand in the store without gaging.

Where to start. Lets see.

Powerboy said:

"yes, there were a lot of clams, but did you notice the amount of aptasia on them?"

What's your point? Aptasia is a common thing, some people namely Calfo reccomend the use of them. When you get something you just might have a hitchhiker. Do you cry like this when you get a piece of liverock with a nasty crab, or a bristleworm? Do you excet everything handed to you perfectly? If you see a clam with aptasia on it, and you don't want the aptasia in your tank, kill the aptasia while your acclimating your clam.

"i asked the guy at the counter why they let their tanks go to hell like that, and his reply to me was " i dunno, buddy in the back is suppose to take care of it. i work in the front" "

Well what do you expect? The guy in the front of the store to go running to the back and solve all your concerns, no matter how ignorant they are? Then people wanting help in the front of the store can stand around and twiddle thier thumbs? If you had half the experiance you seem to you claim you would have asked to speak to a manager in the livestock department, and made your concerns known to him. He is the one who can do something about it. THis is not just for pet stores, it's customer service in general.

"did you notice the little tanks directly above the clam tank? these little 4x4x4 partitions had fish in them.. sigh"

Did you notice what is in these little boxes? They are plumbed into the main system, so thier water quality is perfect. They are not Naso tangs and sharks, they are small creatures that would not fare well when placed into a larger holding tank. IE, clown gobys and the such. They are FAR happier in a nice little box untill someone takes them home, rather then being dominated in a larger holding tank. Coral banded shrimp as well would MUCH rather be in a small box where they don't rip eachother apart. Why do you think the size is too small? When did you become an expert on holding livestock?

What do you think would happen if every piece of livestock had it's own 20gallon holding tank with a prefect habitat? Nothing would cost less then $100 each. The holding tanks are a compromise of something to keep the item healthy untill it gets taken home, and keeping cost down so people can afford it.

"they are by far the worst store i have seen.... "

Then you don't get around much. It's actually one of the cleanest stores I have ever seen.

Now I understand why that one store treats everyone like morons.

If you know nothing about how a store runs, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself in the future.
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