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Old 11-13-2009, 07:05 AM
JPotter JPotter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 121
JPotter is on a distinguished road

A response from dave would be great. No one is perfect all the time..I think we all acknowledge that.

I do have a real problem with someone who presents themselves as a "vendor" on a forum and who presents themselves as a "business" on their website but who does not respond to a currently dissatisfied customer...most honest vendors try hard to compensate for mistakes and inconveniences to customer.

The auction stated it included shipment of corals to your door..that did not happen. I personally have been told photos would be coming of other corals to choose from for free shipment..that did not happen. I have had questions re the corals that did end up at my home via another person but I have had no replies.

Early on in this process I contacted a canreef "staff" person re protocols in such a situation but I got no reply.

Vendors listed in this forum not only represent themselves but they represent the entire forum including all other listed vendors. To lose confidence in one vendor puts a shadow of distrust on all other listed vendors and private vendors on this forum. I do not understand why moderators do not become involved and investigate when such situations arise.

From PMs I have received it seems I am not the only Canreef member who has had less than a stellar experience with wicked frags. If each individual simply thinks poor silly me I must have been a fool I simply will never deal with that vendor again it doesn't resolve their situation and it doesn't inform others who are unaware of the potential pitfalls they may heading into and it negatively impacts other vendors as if one feels burned by one you are unlikely to have confidence in others either.

Most experienced, genuine, honest vendors try very hard to correct problems and make up for mistakes and inconveniences. This has not been my experience to date with wicked frags. At this point I am losing faith that Dave will pull through and resolve this issue.

It doesn't really matter if Dave reads this and other posts about this adventure...what does matter is that many other reefers read it so they can avoid a similar situation.

Last edited by Aquattro; 11-17-2009 at 06:06 PM.