Originally Posted by fishoholic
It took me about 3 months of walks before I managed to get my heart to stop racing every time I saw another dog on our walks. It was totally worth the effort though. I used to turn around and walk the other way whenever I saw another dog, now I move over to one side of the path tell Bailey to ignore (and she pretty much does) we let the other dog pass by then we continue with our walk.
Mark, she looks nice, and what a fancy adoption center.
Laurie, I am actualy realy hoping that the new trainer works out, as I realy do like the dog, and like the other trainer said all dogs are good 95% of the time, it is just the other 5% that you have to decide weather you can deal with. I have been doing about 2 hours of training a day for over 2 months now and she is not getting any better towards other dogs, and only slightly improved on walks as if she sees another dog its all bets off.
from everything I have read the biggest problem is she is a chow chow mix and the chow is the dominant attitude, so she is not driven to please her owner only herself, she is highly protective of her owners and I feel she wasnt socalized at all when she was young which for a chow is absolutly nessisary or they get very agressive.
I am also working on a bit of a time like as after christmas my retirment is done and I have to start looking for a job

so I won't have all the time in the world to work with her like I do now, and because there will be no one here all day when I start working I was planning on putting a doggy door in the garage (which is heated and insulated) with a little area for her so she could go inside if it is cold but still be able to get outside to play or go to the washroom. right now with her agression there is no way to do this as there are dogs on both sides of us and they are out all day.
I could realy care less if she ever played with other dogs, all I need is for her to ignore them.
I have been reading alot of stuff, from everything I have read from Ceaser and saw on his show, she is way worse than what he normaly calls his red zone cases, and his touch method and foot distraction doesn't work on her as she just ignores them.
everything else I have read is consistant with, forget about halties, harneses ect.. if you have a chow or chow mix with agression problems get a prong colar or domanant dog colar and learn how to do sever corection. well I don't know if I am comfterable with that level of corection even though I know it doesn't realy hurt them when done right. we also have a guy that has a real submissive dog that is willing to come over and work with us also so we are going to look at that also.
anyways sorry for stewaling your thread Mark.