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Old 11-11-2009, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I am not sure SPCA or rescue is the way to go anymore after my experiences as of late.
Steve, that's a rather broad statement, no? While it's true that rescue dogs can sometimes have baggage that we prefer they didn't have (Nyx is a great example ), it's not always the case, and with proper training and management, they can turn out great (again, Nyx is a great example). It all depends on how they got there. Also, rescues are often really anally retentive in making sure their dogs are matched properly to new owners. If they aren't asking you 100 questions, they might not care enough..
On the flip side, I know a few dogs with issues that were raised from puppies. Puppies aren't guaranteed to be great dogs just because they're puppies.
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