22nd is no good for me. Any other Sunday though I'm good to go: Just have to check in with Marie and Dave.
At least the whole day wasn't a wash: We got to meet WhiteIce669, (Very nice Fellow), who made out like a bandit today. He went home with at least 10 bags of goodies
lol, thanks again guys and girls, had a really great time, enjoyed meeting everyone, had a personall tour ( loved Daves fish, man is that angel huge. lol ) and yup I got a goodie bag to take home, and everything is opened and doing great
aga 180g dual overflow 77g sump, mak 4 return, dart pump for closed loop 3 250w se 15,000k mh, 4 80w t5 250 vertex skimmer,3l vertex zeo reactor, marine tech cal reactor.regal,powder brown and yellow tangs, chromis eyelash blennie blue mandran, slowly filling with SPS