O.C. Coral Boutique Opening Soon!! NEW PICS
Hi everyone,
With great pleasure I am happy to announce that Ian is back with O.C. and together we are enterprising in opening up a retail store located in the heart of the Fraser Valley.
Location to be announced shortly.
We would like our new store to be customer interactive and would appreciate your suggestions on all facets of this new business. Renovation and construction will commence shortly and we will post as much as possible in regards to design and layout. All suggestions and criticism will be welcomed.
Funding is limited and so initially dry good supply is going to be weak. With this in mind there are a few questions that we would like to ask of you.
1. What type of dry goods would you like us to carry on a regular basis.
ie. Test Kits, Food
Items that would allow you to make a short stop in to say "hi' and pick
2. What type of equipment and brands would you like us to carry.
3. Would you like us to carry a small array of Fresh water fish and Plants?
4. What about aquarium Maintenace and custom design as well as
emergency/hospital tanking?
5. And alongside our designer corals would you like to have
access to some lesser priced corals as well.
6. What hours of operations would you like us to provide.
There are a ton of ideas raging through our minds at the moment as we are both excited to start on this endeavor. So your input is invaluable and it will help us make the best decisions.
We intend to succeed in this venture but realize that we will need your support and ideas to help us along. This is your store and we want to make it that as much as possible.
Thanks in advance for all your ideas and suggestions.
Ian & Paul
Last edited by OceanicCorals-Ian-; 01-15-2010 at 02:15 AM.