well just wondering where you would all place this ..
Its a electric Blue Crocea, About 3-4 inches.
its in my 30 gallon tank Dimentions 22H 30L 12W the lighting on the tank is a 175 watt 10k Halide and a 55watt PC actinic with 60 pounds of live rock 100 pounds of sand also running a refugium on this system ( 33G) light 24/7.
He was sitting at the top of the tank looked like he was gapping so i moved him to the bottom.. now he has attached to a small rock that he was sitting on.. so thats a good sign i assum..
Just wondering if i have eough light to leave him on the bottom of the tank?
This is a shot of the clam its been in the tank for 3 weeks now.. here you can see his syphone is closed.. but it has been open alot..
Now this image is not looking the best, the white balance is off, to the eye he is more blue