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Old 11-08-2009, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by JMes View Post
I disagree with everything in this paragraph. I am not attacking you personally in anyway. Just stating my points in this.

Custom built by whom, Future Shop? I also have a custom built high-end gaming pc. I have been building my gaming pcs since way back in the 1990s and can tell you that not all pcs are the same in graphics, performance. This will vary depending on which Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, Video Card. As with everything in life you get what you pay for.

Rubbish and here’s why.

The Xbox360 is equivalent to the ATI X1900 256mb video card and the PS3 uses the 7900GTX 256mb card. Both GPUs have 24 pixel processors and run at 500Mhz. Both consoles were designed to run DX9 games at 720P (Do I have to say more?). Anything above the Nvidia 8800GT is a better card. Nvidia is on the 800,900,200 series video cards. Most gamers are using The 200 Series in their gaming PCs. Gamers can overclock their cards, or use them in SLI which can double the 720p.

Customize your keys. Makes your gaming faster and much more enjoyable.

A gaming PC has better graphics and higher FPS (frames per second). Multiplayer FPS is superior in everyway. I can set all my settings on high and still have a high fps with smooth gameplay. A good keyboard and mouse is much faster and more accurate than any controller. This is a fact. I’ve been playing MP FPS since the very beginning of FPS. Started playing competitively and leagues MP during Medal of Honor days (Infinity Ward is a breakaway from 2015 who made MOH btw). PC Multiplayer offers customization like mouse control, text chat in game and graphics settings. change of field of view. console commands. dedicated servers. lower pings mean less lag, I HATE LAG. With dedicated servers you can play up to 60 players online. With dedicated servers the server host is able to kick spammers,racists,and hackers. I can also choose the server I want to play on. PC Offers community made content and MODS. Custom Multiplayer MOD’s and MAP’s is where it’s at. This will add value to the game and make it last longer. In short this will bring the game to a whole new level. PC MP offers gaming communities and competitive play.

FPS has gotten very popular with consoles over the last few years. It's not that the console has better graphics and performance. It’s because the game developers are targeting the average consumer that can use a relatively cheap game platform compared to a gaming PC. The more people buy your game the more money you make.

To the ps3 players.
Max players 16 (No Dedicated Servers so you can't have 32slots or higher)
No community made content (want new content must pay for DLC)
No mods
No gaming communities or competitive play
Sub-Par Anti-Cheat System (no screenshots or MD5tool to catch cheaters)
Player hosting the game will have 0ms ping (his shots will always register first)
I agree with everything you said... hence why I still play PC FPS games... However I am boycotting MW2 and most importantly....Infinity Ward. Since they feel the need to screw PC gamers...

I'll kindly give my money to BF:BC2 and EA/Dice!
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