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Old 11-08-2009, 12:42 AM
bbb1080 bbb1080 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: edmonton
Posts: 26
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its because we, the medical community, say so. This isn't about you, as i said, its about the 15-25% of people who will die shortly after getting H1N1, the ones that arent in the "typical toll" , could be your wife, kids, maybe you. The important thing is we dont know who, and the vaccine works. Its a live attenuated virus that forces your body to mount an immune response, simple. Before deciding if you will be one of the ignorant, lazy, uniformed *******s that put so many others at risk, please try and put this into perspective. We vaccinate to save lifes. Polio, small pox, MMR, they all function on basically the same principle and they have all worked.
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