Gad...that unicorn Tang is a monster! That hump on his back makes him look very different than mine. I wonder if that develops with maturity or if that is actually a different type. I suppose we'll see.
I wrapped the skimmer with thin black foam that I picked up from Michael's today. It comes in a roll so all I had to do was cut the length/height and the natural curve of the foam holds it in place. This should prevent coraline etc from growing inside the skimmer. When you come for a visit, I'll take it off so all you see is a clean white skimmer!

400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies
My Tank: