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Old 11-07-2009, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Crates have their place that is true but not 8-10 hrs a day for 5 days a week.
Yes, a crate is not a substitute for interacting with your dog. But, my dogs are crated from 8-12, I'm home for lunch, then from 1-5. The few times they were not crated, I ended up with a three poster bed and a chewed lamp cord. If they're left out, they also sleep all day, so whether they sleep on my bed, or their own bed, not much of a difference. Once I get home, they spend the night training, running or wrestling with each other.
Leaving a dog out loose is a sure way for bad things to happen. I understand that some people don't agree with it, so I won't go on about it, but to label someone an irresponsible pet owner because they use a crate simply shows ingnorance.
As an example, one person I know that has a beagle, but does not believe in crates, has had the poor little guy in for surgery 4 times because the dog was unsupervised for a few moments and was allowed to swallow something it shouldn't have. I'm happy to admit I do not subject my dogs to such cruelty.

Ok, I'm done

Last edited by Aquattro; 11-07-2009 at 04:54 PM.
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