Originally Posted by lorenz0
I have to disagree with you guys about playing FPS games on a console. Personally I used to play CS like a crackhead and my old key board shows it on the w,a,s and d keys. I enjoyed it, till I purchased my ps3. Not to be one sided I have also played COD4 MW on PC and it took some time to get used to but the default controls are horriable. To call in your UAV/Air strike/ chopper You have to pull your had off of either your mouse of your regular posistion just to call them in thus making you stationary. My friend who i played cod4 on his pc has top of the line everything, custom built comp, you name it and the graffic's blew compared to PS3. just my opinion though.
The only downfall to PS3 for COD6 MW2 is they are only offering the map pack to x-box users. Which at first ****ed me off but hell i never bought it for any of my other games, in cod5 everyone skips map pack levels.
Either way its going to be a killer game. oh one other game that was good this year was killzone 2. only played a bit since a friend lent it to me but two thumbs up on that one. I would say fear 2 was up there but the online play was horriable. luckily the actual game was amazing to it evened out.
anyways if you want to play cod4 i am on alot, always looking for people to play with. my sign in is AcroFrag
Who plays with default controls?!?!
Custom key mapping on a gamers keypad FTW. I don't have to stop for anything with the games I use.