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Old 11-03-2009, 04:16 PM
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Default Complete 25 Gallon System (Sold)


I have a 25 gallon (30 x 13 x 15 tall) that I have at work and I'm sick of topping it off because I'm out on site most of the time so I'm not here to enjoy/take care of it.

What's included:

- Approx 20 lbs live rock
- 3" sugar sand bed
- large 8" x 6" boulder rock covered in Green Star polyps
- Hairy mushrooms
- Blue mushrooms
- Greenish/Brown polyps
- One pair of Very Large Tomato Clowns

- Coralife Powercompact lighting (Can't remember wattage)
- Glass Top
- Black Canopy (used to be retrofitted with Metal Halides)
- 200 Watt tronic heater
- maxi jet 1200 with mods (This tank has been running this whole time with just this maxijet - tank is healthy and stable)
- Floating Thermometer
- Medium sized mag float

$200 for all. Can be moved with just 2 rubbermaid containers (as this is how I moved it originally to my work while still saving all the water). Please PM and I will give you my number. Would like gone today. Thanks.


Last edited by Dez; 11-19-2009 at 04:46 AM.
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