I have finally decided to document the rebuild of my 72 gallon display.
First a little back tracking.
About a year ago things where going great, tank looked good, fish and corals happy and healthy.

I was using Zeo, and things rolled right along. Then I got sick, really sick. 2 weeks of no dosing of any kind. Then it all went downhill from there. Colours started to change from bright to brown. For the life of me I couldnt get things to turn around. Then it really started to fall apart, tissue loss on some corals, complete colonies dead over night, I just didnt know what to do.
I was on the verge of a complete teardown and wanted to give the entire hobby up, but my good buddy milliporamaniac talked me out of it.....thanks buddy
So a rebuild was in order.
I wanted to try something different this time, so I got rid of my MH setup and went with T5's, I got rid of the sand in the tank, and reduced my live rock by approx. 80lbs. I felt that there just wasnt enough room for the fish to swim around with all the large colonies and large rock pile.
So in june it all came down, and the rebuild was on. I really wanted to do something unique with the rockwork, leaving room for corals and swimming room for the fish. I also wanted to go bare bottom. This was my lighting line up to start with
Current 10k
Current 10k
Giesemann Actinic+
Giesemann Aquablue+
Giesemann Actinic+
Current 10k
Current 10k
This is what I came up with
July 09
Then September 09