Advice on getting rid of surgery scars?
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10-30-2009, 02:07 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
Posts: 11,268
Imo there is no magic cream or oil. I tried them all. I even tried a $250 scar cream and it didn't work any better than Polysporin cream. Joke's on me.
I have a scar on my arm from a chainsaw where I got 13 stitches on the inside and 21 on the outside (luckily it didn't get me too bad). It's about 6" long. It was a nasty scar before, but I had surgery done where a plastic surgeon (instead of the nip n hack emergency surgeon) cut out the old scar and sewed it back up in some funky way where the stitches weren't visible from the outside. It was called Scar Revision. It healed up really nice after that. I think I have some before and after shots I will try to find for you...
EDIT: Ok I found them...
The spot the plastic surgeon cut out:
Today (11 years after initial wound, 8 years after scar revision):
~ Mindy
SPS fanatic.
Last edited by Myka; 10-30-2009 at
02:25 AM
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