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Old 10-29-2009, 04:48 PM
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freezetyle freezetyle is offline
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freezetyle is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Jyman View Post
Thats really not that bad of a scar. it will heal up nice.

My grandfather had a scar just like it, and after it healed it looked like yours but almost all of the red was gone from it. But my girlfriends scar is really bad looking compared to your. She had the same thing done when she was about 1 day old and the scar just never really healed that nicely.
I am by no means complaining about the wounds i got. i know that it could have ended up being a lot worse. a few of my friends have scars from a few years ago that don't even look close to how my turned up. its really amazing what we can do now in terms of leaving as little of a trace as possible.

i would much rather have a line (or zipper) down my stomach then the condition its self,
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