My wife is a nurse as well and she and the collegues she talks to at the hospital are all getting the shot, even our family doctor and pediatrician have received and recommend it and you usually have to be dying before he'll prescribe anything but Tylanol. No one has ever got the flu from the flu shot, some have allergic reactions to the preservatives in it but the effects are immediate. All the shot is is a dead virus, it is your own body, not the shot, that creates the immunity. Actually most medical procedures and medicines rely on your body to do most of the work. Some people say that everyone over-reacted with Mexico because it never got that bad, did those same people consider that maybe because of the desperate actions taken that is the reason it didn't get bad? To get the shot or not is your own choice and I wouldn't recommend basing your decision on this forum or any others so I'm not recommending anything one way or the other. Unless you know some of the researchers personally everything else is just peoples opinions, including mine.