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Old 10-27-2009, 06:29 PM
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fraggalrock fraggalrock is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: New Westminster B.C
Posts: 81
fraggalrock is on a distinguished road
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I will never ever get a vaccine.I have worked in healthcare and too much information about side effects and other things are kept from the public.I dont buy into the hype.I also didnt vaccinate my childen who are now grown.I got a lot of heat from that one.When my youngest was 3 we was hospitalized for bronchitis and they noticed on his chart he was not vaccinated.They also saw a note in his file saying no to vaccines.Well they dosed my kid with vaccines.My son who was perfectly fine changed over night.He was diagnosed with a form of autism 6 months later.He is 19 now.
"Kiss My Wrasse"
Planted shrimp tanks.
12 Gallon Aquapod.
1 Adorable Yorkie "Tsao Mei"
1 Very cute Himalayan Kitten "Blueberry"

Last edited by Aquattro; 10-28-2009 at 12:40 AM.
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