Honestly, for most healthy adults this may not be a bad flu to get as it is not that severe, and it may very well assist your immune system in defending against the next H1 mutation which may be much more severe in terms of loss of life.
I am testing our health centre staff on N95 respirators today as part of our emergency prepardeness plan...
Originally Posted by kien
So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic! 