So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic!
P.S. My 2 year old son and I had the flu last week, wasn't fun, but we're over it now. Ironically, because my son goes to daycare he gets all sorts of nasty daycare illnesses at least once a month since he started going to daycare a year ago. I attribute his naturally built up immunity to his quick recovery. After having a fever and laboured breathing for a day, he was fine the next and out and about playing, while I was out for three days! It is not pleasant to see our children ill, but it is natural that they get ill so that they can build up their immunity. Just feed them well.