Originally Posted by fishytime
Im like you Kien.....I have a plethora of inverts in the tank....no shrimp anymore as my mystery wrasse finds them tasty....two tuxedo urchins, two fromia stars(Kien if your star is red, it is actually a fromia star, not a linkia....commonly mislabeled) pom pom crab(seen it once in a year), a bunch of different hermies,and an assortment of snails.....I just think crabs are to cool not to have in my reef, so I accept them for what they are.
Ya, the red starfish is a Fromia, but I do have a blue and an orange linckia as well. Oh, and also a sand sifting starfish. I will admit that I do hunt down and banish gorilla (those fuzzy ones) crabs. I used to let them be but did eventually notice them having a midnight snack on my SPS. Now those are bad inverts in my book

So far have only had to pull out 3 though.