OK..tonight I had a PM from Dave.He has verified pretty much what we all put together bit by bit. Poor business on his behalf and took a long time to reply but at he has admitted they were shipped in error. Now I only hope that the frags are well, that Derek and I get a mutually convenient time for me to get them when his wedding vacation is over(his work is about 45 min from my place..not certain where his home is) and that Dave will ship any additional frags at no charge as the auction frags were accidental stow aways.
Thank you all for you ears, support, advice and help in tracking down Derek

..and most of all kudos to Derek for coming forth about the frags.
Now if anyone can tell me how to rid my new cowfish of ich (which just appeared tonight) I would be grateful to learn about that...this reefing is becoming a bit of a steep learning curve. New tank..live rock from canreefer(it came with some attached corals), inverts and the cowfish and macro algae has been in the cycled tank about 2 weeks. It is the only fish and about 1.5" long. Normal behaviour..looks like it has rolled in salt crystals!Eating mysis soaked in commercial garlic..also eating nori. It arrived with a bashed hind prong that developed some fluff but that quickly resolved..now the white dots! What next???