So what I've read out of this thread is that these critters seem to all behave differently in everyone's tanks (no surprise I guess) :-) Just like that "hit-and-miss" fish (aka, flame angel, etc..). You can never know for sure how they will behave in your tank. Save for a mantis shrimp incident a long time ago, I haven't had any problems with any inverts that I have purposefully put in my tank. In fact, I love inverts and how they interact with one another. My list includes starfish (red reef, lenckia), an urchin, an army of hermits, 4 skunk cleaners, 2 fire shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 sexy shrimp, acro crabs, a Porcelain crab, snails of various sorts. Heck, I even enjoy just sitting there watching abalone craw across rock work. I know I'm weird like that. Those little buggers are amazingly fast though... sometimes I think they race.