So as a few of you may remember i was hoping to start a LPS dominated tank due to issues in my 60gal SPS/zoa dominated tank. Well today I lucked out and was able to get a killer deal on this cool tank which is even better than what i was hoping to make. Thanks to Binare for the amazing deal.
So the tank measures at 36" long, 12" deep and 9" tall with a 20gal tall sump. So going to give it a good scrub tomorrow and look for a return pump.
As for lighting I am still not sure what i want to do. debating if a 2x39watt retro will be enough or go with 4x39watt t5's with 2 pure actinic's, 1 22,000k and a 14,000k. flow will be checked once its running and probably will add a vortech mp10 down the road but for now a korilia 1 or a nano will have to do till than.
For live stock this tank will be dominated by acan's, open brains, torch's, challice's. as for fish i really haven't decided.
For aqua scaping, i am going for the open look with only rubble showing. I have some dry rock kicking around and will have most of my rock in the sump.
should have it up and running by the weekend with the cycle starting.