Originally Posted by JPotter
Thanks for posting.
What do others think of picking up the frags from someone else when it will void any warranty and may be a reason for wicked frags not to ship the aditional frags free of charge. I do have a PM where he said extras of some pieces would be included etc.
It seems odd that the person with the frags wants a copy of the paypal receipt (I don't even know how one accesses this). Given my online ID is the same as my DL ID one would think that would suffice 
Also I am not experienced enough to know what the frags I purchased would look like when not fully open and looking like the photos in he auction thread!
Im confused.. so some unknown person to you says they have your frags?? I guess first I would have to ask them WHY they think they had my frags.. and how did THEY get my frags?
I wouldnt be giving my paypal info to someone I didnt know.