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Old 10-20-2009, 06:53 PM
Ellie_A Ellie_A is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Posts: 42
Ellie_A is on a distinguished road

We have a dwarf zebra lionfish, no issues at all with him. He doesn't bother any of the inverts (although he ate 2 very small peppermint shrimp when I put them in there, my fault, they were just too small. He's fine with the larger cleaner shrimp).

I haven't been stung yet so no comments to give on that one.

The only issue I could see happening is him not competing well for food with the other faster moving fish you haved on your list. If you can get him eating frozen food then it shouldn't be a problem as you can feed him with tweezers. Mine was eating only live when I got him (ghost shrimp mostly) but now eats frozen krill and mysis.
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