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Old 10-20-2009, 06:15 PM
sarzeff sarzeff is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Trail, BC
Posts: 50
sarzeff is on a distinguished road

I got one because they were supposed to be hardy ad a good beginner fish from what I read so that is interesting to hear Leah. It was the second fish I put in the tank the first being a blue damsel. I added them both shortly after the tank cycled. I was wondering if maybe the ick wasn't really gone even though the spots went away? or maybe it wasn't even ick? I just took a look at her (she'd dead now) and not a spot on her. Just seems weird that the ick seeminly went away and she bounced back and was doing great then faded really quickly.

Perhaps the shock of being moved around and treated made her more sensitive to problems in my water. I didn't buy a really high end test kit so maybe I'm not seeing what is going on?
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