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Old 10-19-2009, 09:55 PM
wolf_bluejay wolf_bluejay is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Kamloops, BC
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wolf_bluejay is on a distinguished road
Default I installed an HRV

The unit has been instaleld for about 1 year -- compared to fan venting the house, I really love it.
The unit I have has a fedw "modes" and I run it 24/7 on low -- and it kicks into high gear if the humidity gets too high.

As for the outside humidity, remember that humidity is a measure of the saturation of the air and depends a lot on the air temp. 100% humidity at -5C is NOT 100% once the air is warmed up, it's more like 25%.

So, in winter, if it is cold outside, you can get your humidity as low as you want.

I installed the HRV because I insulated the crap out of the house and was getting really muggy, high CO2 air. I get much less "lingering" odours, and the house feels "fresher". The lower humidity is just a bonus.

If you acutally run the numbers -- they are one of the cheapest options. I installed mine myself and it cost about $600. Compare this the the added heating/cooling costs with just venting the house, and usually it is cheaper if you live in a cold/hot climate like Kamloops.

A few setups I've seen even just replace the bathroom/kitchen fans with the HRV, and return the air to the living spaces.
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