Originally Posted by bulletsworld
The sting... A fellow reefer was cleaning his tank and the lionfish brushed up against him. He described it as at first like a bee sting and then the pain got worse and worse. He had said at one point he begged his brother to cut his arm off it hurt so bad. He also said it felt like the poison was traveling in his bloodstream, as he could feel the intense burn. He had a nice hospital ride as he thought he was going to die. When he came home he sold the fish immediately. I will try to find his post, it was a few years back. That scared me enough to take his word for it and buy aqua gloves.
If that guy treated his sting with hot water, he probably would have prevented a trip to the hospital. It's always good to know the first aid treatments for these types of things if you plan on keeping them.
I've been stung by corals many times and I remember at first I would tough it out and it would hurt real bad later on but eventually I smartened up and I now treat them with vinegar right after and I never have problems of the sort anymore.